Thursday, July 28, 2005

Which clock will you pick?

This one sells on for $19.99

This Nelson's ball clock is on for $250.

Which one will you pick? ;)


China Rice said...

I will pick the cheaper one . If it looks cheap, I will think about that. But I am sure I won't pay $250 to buy other one even it may looks more expensive. (Does it?)

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I would have to disagree with China Rice not only because the name "China Rice" sounds a little funny, but also because I'm certifiably insane. I will buy the $250 one.

China Rice said...

My name may sounds funny but your decision is even funnier..
I am just kidding, Marvin. :) I would love to buy the expensive one if I am as rich as you.. :(
You have a good taste.

Anonymous said...

China -- No really, I wouldn't but the $250 one. That will go to starving children of the world... ;)