Monday, September 11, 2006

Puppy commitment

We are really getting this puppy... here's the list of supplies Helen sent to me, my head is getting bigger now... @-) it's indeed a commitment...

1. Traveler case/Pet carrier (sleeping)
2. Dog blanket
3. Training Pads (to train pee pee and poo poo)
4. Natural Mirage (to clean the accident)
5. Collars
6. 2 bowl for water and food (anything, but not plastic…they will chew the edge)
7. some dog toys (no soft toy….only plastic or rope)
8. Treat (U can use cooked pea or carrot)
9. Grooming tools, like comb, nail clipper, shampoo and towels
10. Photo Album
11. I will give you some puppy’s chow that we are using now. U can’t change diet immediately. U can switch it to other chow when she is slightly older.
12. Feel free to call me or Derek if U have any question. Get couples book about dog or Lhasa Apso will help as well.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Woody和妹妹生了几个小孩子,那天一起吃饭时Helen 说给我一个养,不过要等满6周后。这起名字的大事就这么开始了,我回家就上网查了一阵子 - baby name, pet name,看的头昏眼花的还是没满意的。R老早说过如果养狗的话,一定要叫“Catchup", 谁让他这么爱吃这番茄酱呢,吃肉骨头都能蘸那吃下去,他还说Catchup跟表兄妹Pickel和Cous Cous都挺配的。我是不太喜欢,我一定要开头是个R的!

突然想起小时候特想养只狗叫CoCo, 就问R, CoCo 怎么样?R看着电脑,头都没抬,"CoCo Lee? 听起来怪怪的。” 好,自己还硬给按了个姓,那狗当明星那?

“那ROCOCO怎么样?跟你姓RO总行了吧?小名叫COCO” 我又问,心里窃喜自己的随机应变,还把R给安了上去。

"ROCOCO? 咱孩子不起日本名字!" R抬起了头,一脸正气的对我说。
