Tuesday, July 31, 2007



K: 你的是只什么狗?
me: 拉萨犬
K: 藏奥?
me: noooo

拉面=藏獒??? 我的天哪~~~


K: 雄的?
me: 母的,做过了
K: 有点不人道呵, 我也养狗你知道的吧
me: ....

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Birthday Gift - a pink purse

Birthday Gift - a pink purse
Originally uploaded by rebezhu
Her birthday was last Sunday. We took her to the park and had few photos of her. It's just so hard to capture the movement, maybe it's time to upgrade. Picked up this pink purse for her at PetSmart, she seems like it a lot!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Heart-kun: Celebrity puppy wows Japan

A chihuahua puppy has become Japan's latest heart-throb after he was born with a heart-shaped mark on his coat.

The dog, named "Heart-kun", was born on May 18 at a pet store in northern Odate. Shop owner Emiko Sakurada, who bred over 1,000 puppies, believes his unusual markings have brought her luck.

read on...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

3 weeks - first day home

3 weeks - first day home
Originally uploaded by rebezhu
Can't believe Ramen grew up this fast, she's almost 1 year old now, 22nd this month will be her first b-day. R already mentioned her b-day gift.... maybe a well-cooked meal, or a nice sofa bed in the living room, new toy... :)