Sunday, April 23, 2006

Unexpected B-day Gift!

Here's my unexpected b-day gift! Yeeh!!! I first saw it hanging on Carrie Bradshaw (JSP)'s neck years ago and liked it, then I saw my sister in law had it hanging on hers...I can't recall that I told R I like it but apparently that he knew it... so here we go, now it's hanging on my neck now... and R said this will bring me the best luck! :)

Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy b-day, to me! :)

Finally one year older, Reyna has been kept reminding me few days ago already... :D My first b-day card is from XJ, very thoughtful and pretty sweet. Sometimes I just wonder that how many people still remember my b-day, or, how many people still remember me. I am not good at memorize people's bday, even the look, so I don't complain. One thing I know for sure, that's my Mom will never forget me b-day, not just because it's the day she gave me birth, IT IS also her b-day too!

Happy b-day, MOM!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


以此贴跟一个战壕的战友共勉,互相监督,共同进步。。。 :))




1. 養成固定睡眠與起床習慣。
2. 睡前1小時不要看電視或電影。
3. 準備就寢時,不要看書、講電話或想事情。
4. 睡前做輕度伸展操,不要激烈運動。下午4~6點運動,有助於晚上睡眠。
5. 洗熱水澡。
6. 艱澀難懂的書有助眠效果。
7. 把臥房當成單純睡覺的地方,讓臥房與睡眠產生聯結效果。
8. 躺在床上超過15分鐘仍不能入睡,就不要再翻來覆去當煎魚了!起床看書或聽能relax的音樂。


(1) 手機 目前對於電磁波研究,好壞各半,能免則免。長期接觸電磁波,影響神經系統與生理功能(褪黑激素分泌降低),影響睡眠。
(2) 手錶 不僅是手錶,睡眠時,會有束縛感或太緊的衣物都要避免。電子錶有微量電磁波,石英錶或夜光錶含有鐳輻射,長期累積可能會影響神經、腦波,導致不易入睡。
(3) 胸罩 影響胸部健康,研究指出每天穿胸罩超過12小時者比短時間或不穿內衣者,罹患乳腺癌的機率高出20倍以上。原因是因胸部組織受到壓迫,導致淋巴液流動受阻礙,使毒素停留在胸部所致。
(4) 彩妝 阻塞毛孔,油脂分泌有障礙,容易有粉刺,影響細胞代謝,加速臉部肌膚老化。


(1) 含鈣食物:鈣具有安定神經作用,睡前可喝點如牛奶、芝麻糊、玉米湯等助眠。
(2) 蓮藕茶或玫瑰茶也有助安定神經。
(3) 洋蔥切片:研究發現若空間放置洋蔥切片能助眠,因為洋蔥可讓腦波趨於平緩,變成α波,具放鬆效果。
(4) 薰衣草:薰衣草味道可穩定情緒、安定神經,研究證實確有助眠功效。

Friday, April 14, 2006

Got new phone today!

Went to the store during lunch time and picked up this baby. Not too excited with it since it's out for a while already, but it's "free" techniqully, whatelse I can complain... :) Also bundled it with a bluetooth earpiece, remembered the joke Gigi made once to someone else's - "what a big earring!" OK, please don't say that in front of me, I will get really pissed... :D