Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy 2nd b-day, Ramen!

Happy 2nd b-day, Ramen!
Originally uploaded by rebezhu
Ramen is 2 years old already, I still remember the first time she's on my arm, how tiny she was, now she's fully grown up and I couldn't easily hold her for a while due to the heaviness. Upon Ryan's arrival, Ramen surely lost her princess seat, I often felt sorry for her but really don't have much time to play with her, barely keep myself above the water nowadays. Sorry Ramen...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

How's life over there?

Tow chatted me on Yahoo: Hey, how's life over there?
me: Life? What u mean life? There's no life here now... :D

Sunday, July 06, 2008




可不是吗,他有专职的司机加厨师(泡奶粉的)- 他爸爸, 奶妈加女佣(洗奶瓶和洗衣服)- 他妈妈我,真是一少爷呀!

他吃饱喝足了,懒洋洋的躺在我身上,斜着眼睛眯缝着看着我,这哪里只是一少爷,整个一 “大爷 (da4 ye2) ”呀。。。

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Old times

pic 6
Originally uploaded by rebezhu
See what I dig from Flickr after it merged with my old Yahoo photos. I can't remember which year it is, but the old fun time is just like yesterday...

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ryan's 2nd week

As a friend said, I am in "House arrest" period... this Chinese "sit for a month" thing is killing me, I am not even allowed to go downstairs... :) baby is growing so fast and we are trying to capture every moment with him... this morning, I made a little homepage for him at here.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008


在infant CPR课上,老师特别说了在救别人的时候,一定要先确保自己的安全。她举了前不久在Oakland发生的一起火灾中,哥哥已经逃出了,又冲进屋里去就弟弟,最后俩人都没出来。昨晚在看四川的新闻,在学校里哭的死去活来的父母们,一个个蒙着脸的小学生们,心里一阵阵的难过。



Wednesday, May 14, 2008


这礼拜开始在家待产。周一去做了第3次的超声波,大概已经有6磅多了,再次确定是个boy. 医生本来想给照张正面大特写,可他不合作,一直低着头,医生说从侧面挤着拍,一定象个小alien, 建议不拍了。昨天下午去了babiesRus, 搬了一车东西回来,天哪,小孩东西可真多呀。。。好像永远买不全一样。今天一会还得出去,又一长list的购物单,难怪"Baby Bargain" 书上说养一孩子到18岁,得准备1ml呢。。。 我晕。。。

下周就算是full term baby了,这周还是要特小心。进院的包包还没准备了,婴儿房也没好。。。我还在玩PackRat。。。

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cooper's 1st Birthday Party

We went to Cooper's 1st b-day party yesterday. Roland was practicing his fatherhood by holding Ethan - the adorable 7-wk old babe. He looked pretty intense here, relax, man... :D

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rebecca's Baby Shower

Rebecca's Baby Shower
Originally uploaded by rccar111
Some baby shower photos George took in his camera... I really had great time. Food was impressive, Rachel really delivered her promise tho I was hesitate at beginning... Shannon's games were fun too, people told me that these games they never had before at baby showers... :) and all the friends, I just feel so thankful... Thank you, my dear friends!

Friday, May 02, 2008

The shower

It's really a surprise one and I felt very thankful to have great friends at work, not just colleagues. Photo credit go to Jenny Lee.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The babymoon in Maui

Originally uploaded by rebezhu
It was a wonderful 6-day trip, due to the pregnancy, we couldn't do much outdoor activities like hiking, horse riding, we spent the most time on the beach and hunting down the good food... :)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

So, how am i doing?

I am already half way done and it's a boy! Funny thing is that people are suggesting their names to me to name my little boy. So far we landed on "Ryan" for now, it's hard to find names we both like starting with a "R"... Little boy is starting kick hard, and I am really getting bigger, and... urg... fat too... :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Snow of 1992

First Snow of 1992 - 1
Originally uploaded by rebezhu
The news is that Nanjing is having the biggest snow storm since year 1961, the current snow is about 36cm already! I sure missed it, maybe not. Dig this old picture which Z took for me when I was in college, back many years ago... there was snow too, and heavy...