Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Heart Screening 2006

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Had my heart screening thing this morning.

Cholesterol lever is 127 (Ideal is <180)
Glucose ranges (blood sugar) is 91 (normal is 80-100)
Blood pressure is 98/58 (normal is < 120/80).

The lady from fitness center just said "nice and low" to me, I guess she doesn't have too much to say though I heard she gave a little "speech" to a guy ahead of me... :P Anyways, it's good to know that I am healthy, even with no excecises and eat junk foods (had pizza last night, how dare I AM?) LOL

The thing they used to get my blood was interesting, though I didn't dare to see it closely, it looked like a staple to me, just punched to my left index finger.


Anonymous said...

I stole your hearts, hope you don't mind. :)

rebecca said...

np, i stole it from somewhere else too, should have given credit to http://www.icondrawer.com/. :P